i foraminiferi

venerdì 12 luglio 2024

Protists introduce themselves

 Protists introduce themselves

Who are we?

We are eukaryotic, unicellular organisms. We are very small and
not visible to the naked eye. For this reason we are so little known!

When were we born?

More than one billion years ago.

Where are we living?

We are living in the sea, in lakes and rivers, in the soil and even in the air (in the form of cysts).

What do we look like?

Although we all consist in only one cell,  we are very different from each other in shape, size, behaviour and ecologic role.
What are we doing in the environment?

Some of us are autotrophic, that is producers: like  plants. Others are first degree consumers like herbivorous animals while others are second degree consumers like carnivores. Some eat bacteria.  Some more are parasitic or symbiont  of plants or animals.  Many represent a good food for little animals.

Why it is very useful to be acquainted with us?

Because we live among you and we have important roles in all the ecosystems in which yourselves live (see for example the post “nature big recycler”)